First off, an acknowledgment: There hasn’t been many posts here for a couple weeks. There was a family emergency. That has now passed. Rather than try and go over all that we missed, we’re just going to jump back into the 5x a week posting schedule was followed before.
When it comes to announcing playoff format changes, CanPL is well ahead of the game as compared to MLS.
That’s right, the league gave teams a full month to prepare for the change. MLS barely gave things a week. So, let’s call that a win.
Like the change in MLS, this one isn’t without its detractors. That’s because they’ve expanded the playoff field from four to five teams. Considering their are only eight teams in the league, that’s a lot.
I have to admit, when I saw the headline in the press release that stressed the additional team getting in, I was ready to go off of the league. I support playoffs in North America. I do. It’s Soccer Bubble thinking to insist that we do things exactly like they do in Europe (well, most of Europe). Playoffs and, in particular, finals, matter here. It’s silly to suggest otherwise.
However, those playoffs should be damn hard to qualify for. In North America, baseball gets it closest to right. MLS gets it the most wrong. Too many teams in just takes meaning from the regular season.
If you sensed a but coming, you were right.
This is a different kind of playoff format and one that, despite adding an additional team, actually gives more advantage to the top teams in the regular season.
Curling fans will remember the “Page Playoff” format that the Scotties and Brier used for years. If you aren’t a Hurry Hard fan, you may be familiar with what they do in the A-League (also, your loss. Curling is great). That’s what this is.
It essentially gives the first and second place team a mulligan. If you win the regular season, you know that you are going to have two home games at a minimum to qualify for the final. You cannot be tripped up by a bad day at the office.
As far as the worry that a 5th place team could float all year and win the title, well, honestly, if the fifth place team manages to win four straight road games in 18 days then hats off to them.
In reality the fifth place team is in the playoffs in name only. The chances of a team doing that are significantly low.
This is a really progressive and interesting format that balances the need for playoffs in North America, with rewarding the top teams with a significant advantage.
I can be critical of the league when they deserve to be criticised, so it’s only fair that I say ‘Good job, CanPL!’ now.
Now, just don’t add to the playoff field as you expand in future years.
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Nice take. It’s nice to see calmer heads prevail. Canadian soccer needs a little of that about now, lol. And this may turn out to be great.
Whether or not I can join you, remains to be seen.